February 3, 2016
えいごで: Last December a new underground line opened in Sendai. The new Tozai (east-west) line is particularly convenient to reach the university in the snowy winter. The new trains use a linear induction motor for propulsion.
Japanese: きょねんの十二月仙台に東西線はじめた。
えいごで: In the Sendai underground one can use either paper tickets or the local IC card.
Japanese: 仙台のちかてつにきっぷとICかーどをつかいことができる。
えいごで: Taking pictures of the arriving train.
Japanese: 駅はしゃしんをとった人たくさんがいた。
えいごで: The train.
Japanese: でんしゃ。
えいごで: Information screen. At the moment it indicates the next station name in Korean.
Japanese: 韓国語で!
えいごで: Getting off at Aoba-mountain. Which means many, many escalators to reach the top.
Japanese: あおば山のエスカレーターながい!