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in Japan

Cafe 2

英語で: Continuing the investigation into themed cafes, next in line is the bunny cafe. Like the cat cafe, one is asked to wash the hands before entering. Additionally, one should don protective clothing before socialising with the hosts. Unlike cats, these can be easily bribed to approach the guests.

Japanese: うさぎカフェにも行きました。かわいかった!


英語で: Japan is somewhat famous for their themed cafes, with themes ranging from popular anime series to animals. Before entering a cat-cafe one is kindly requested to wash your hands. Petting the cats is allowed, though not holding them. To the disappointment of some costumers, the cats can easily escape unwanted attention by virtue of using their feet.

Japanese: 東京へねこカフェにゆきました。ねこはあそびたくなかった、でもかわいかった。


英語で: A forty minutes train ride north of Sendai is Matsushima. This group of more than 200 islands is known for being one of the three most celebrated views of Japan, the other two being Amanohashidate in Kyoto Prefecture and Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture. Its other claim to fame in Japan is the oyster cultivation.

Japanese: ともだちと松島へ行きました。かきをたべました。

Signs 4

英語で: Just in case one forgets to pay for parking ^_^

Japanese: ときどきパーキングにはらうをわすれことできません。


英語で: Japanese visitors to Europe are always exquisitely polite when asked about Japanese food (sushi) served in Europe, mostly commenting that the rice is different. This is very true, since most Japanese rice production is consumed right here in Japan, forcing many sushi-eaters in Europe to make do with Japanese-style rice from either Italy or California. From the north of Japan, hitomebore is a premium variety which is more suitable for growing in the colder climate here and tastes excellent both plain or sprinkled with furikake, a mix which usually includes some fish and seaweed.

Japanese: 日本のごはんがあんまりありませんから、ヨーロッパにカリフォルニアのとイタリアのつかいます。日本のごはんのほうがいいです。



英語で: One of the Great Annoyances when visiting Europe is the lack of non-water non-sweetened bottled drinks. In Japan one can walk in any random konbini to find a selection varying from caffeine-free barley-tea to green and jasmine tea, all without sweeteners added.

Japanese: ヨーロッパはのみものがいつもあまいです、アイスティも!水だけあまくないです。日本はあまくないのみものがたくさんあります。



Finally some winter snow.


Japanese: 昨日とくべつなすしに行きました。あなごがいちばんおいしかったです。

英語で: Delicious sushi. At the best sushi places one is served sushi directly from the chef’s hand on the plate.


Japanese: 山寺へ行きました。日本は秋がきれいです。のぼりがたかかった。つかれた人たくさんいました!

えいごで: Enjoying the autumn colours and the climb at Yamadera.

Festa Tohoku

えいごで: This weekend we could enjoy the university festival.

Japanese: 今しゅうまつ東北大学はFestaありました。たのしかったです。