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in Japan

Small observations Sunday

えいごで: The aikido training sessions are the easiest times for putting Japanese into practice, one can just use a few keywords to talk about the exercises. When one does not remember the right words you can easily just explain/be explained by showing. An important phrase during practice is, of course to apologise: shitsureishimashita.

Japanese: あいきどけいことき、はなしはにほんごでだいじょうぶだ。ときどきにほんごでわざをおしえかたをしっていない。そのときみせる。


Small observations Sunday

English: Speaking of learning Japanese - getting a hair cut may result in hair that is too short.

A great way to exercise katakana (symbols used for emphasis and foreign words) is to go to an Italian restaurant. Today I wondered what oni onringu are until I noticed I was reading the space in the wrong place.

にほんごで: にほんごでかみをきりにバーバーへいった。かみがすこしみじかくなった、でもよい。

イタリアのレストランへゆくとき、いつもかたかなをれんしゅうする。「オニオンリング」のよみかたは「おに おんりんぐ」ない、でも「おにおん りんぐ」。そうならいました。

Keep Learning

にほんごで: ほんのはなしはふたつおなじだ。でも、ちいさなほんをよんでいるとき、ことばがとうわからなかった。おおきのほんのなかでは百ぐらいだった。もちをたべるはからだによい。そうならいました。

English: The small book contained 10 new words, the big one about a hundred. The story of both books is the same: an old man discovers that his house-rat loses to the rich neighbour’s house rat. The old couple decide to give some nutricious mochi to their rat, giving him enough energy to win the next day. When the poor man’s house rat is nice enough to give some mochi to the neighbouring rat the old couple also give each rat a beautiful mawashi. The neighbouring rat is so grateful that he brings some gold coins to the poor couple.


English: This week we had an earthquake drill at the university. The cookies can also be used to test the helmet.

にほんごで: こんしゅうだいがくにじしんくんれんあった。

Some More Rain

English: It seems that there will be some more rain this weekend.

にほんごで: あめとかぜがすこしちかづいている。


English: A short visit to Hiroshima for a conference.

にほんごで: ひろしまへいきました。

ひろしまだいがく, Hiroshima University

Gardens 2

English: Guess which garden does not belong in this list.

にほんごで: にわのしゃしん。どれはべつのですか。あててください。

Nederlands: Raadseltje: welke van de volgende tuinen horen niet in het rijtje thuis?




